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Are there additional risks when working outdoors during Winter months?

workers on the building roof

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”… or so the saying goes. Except, this might not always be the case for those working outdoors. This particular weather season presents unique challenges, potential hazards, and additional risks for employees working outdoors. As temperatures start to drop and winter approaches, the time to get your winter… Continue reading Are there additional risks when working outdoors during Winter months?

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How to Layer Your Winter Workwear to Maximise Warmth and Safety

layer winter workwear for warmth safety

As the cold weather creeps through the UK, now is the time to ensure staff are fully protected this winter. In colder months, severe implications on staff health can arise, including the development of hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains.   Once someone’s body temperature is affected by damp or windchill, an active heat source… Continue reading How to Layer Your Winter Workwear to Maximise Warmth and Safety

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What is a Bleed Kit, and are workplaces required to have one?

bleed control kit

Bleed-control kits include life-saving equipment that can prevent people from bleeding to death while waiting for paramedics to reach a scene. With bleeding, early intervention is crucial; therefore, many businesses are asking the question if they should have a bleed kit in their workplace.   It is difficult to drive home the importance of having… Continue reading What is a Bleed Kit, and are workplaces required to have one?

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Are there cultural and ethical considerations when choosing PPE for your workforce?

What to consider when choosing PPE

It’s commonly known that PPE has never been a “one-size-fits-all” scenario. Humans not only vary physically with different heights, shapes, sizes, ages and gender but also differ in their beliefs and views. For example, staff with religious or ethical backgrounds share diverse and important personal beliefs throughout their everyday lives, including whilst at work.  … Continue reading Are there cultural and ethical considerations when choosing PPE for your workforce?

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Health and Safety during pregnancy, what do I need to know?

maternity workwear

According to a study by, “the majority of employers (84%) reported that it was in their interests to support pregnant women and those on maternity leave”; however, specific industries show more positive or negative attitudes regarding pregnancy at work. For example, sectors like the healthcare industry, where 76.7% of NHS staff are women, have… Continue reading Health and Safety during pregnancy, what do I need to know?

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As an employer, what do I need to know about menopause and PPE?

Menopause in the Workplace

In 2022, women are making up nearly 48% of the workforce in the United Kingdom. That’s probably not a surprising statistic, but did you know that 1 in 3 of those workers is experiencing menopausal symptoms, which can last up to 12 years!? Did you also know that what you wear can make these menopausal… Continue reading As an employer, what do I need to know about menopause and PPE?

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Are you unknowingly putting female workers at risk?

Women Workwear

PPE is designed to protect you; however, incorrect or ill-fitting PPE or workwear can put the wearer at greater risk. Improper PPE can be uncomfortable, restrict movement and cause rashes or sores. It can also cause severe injuries from heavy equipment, exposure to burns, cuts from sharp edges and abrasions from rough material.    Hard… Continue reading Are you unknowingly putting female workers at risk?

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One-size-fits-all? What to consider when procuring workwear.

one size blog

We know people come in all shapes and sizes with different needs and requirements, yet traditionally, PPE and workwear have primarily been designed for a standard male body shape. Unfortunately, this assumes that a “one-size-fits-all” solution is best suited for all employees. While this approach may benefit some, it does not guarantee that all employees… Continue reading One-size-fits-all? What to consider when procuring workwear.

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Cotton prices are rising; will the cost of PPE increase too?

Cotton Price Hike

Cotton is the world’s most widely used natural fibre for clothing and is a vital material in quality protective wear. However, with cotton prices forecast to rise 40% in 2022, and with a raw cotton price rise in the last 12 months of over 78%, the question we are being asked most is, “will the cost… Continue reading Cotton prices are rising; will the cost of PPE increase too?

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