Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Poster
Product Description
This Manual Handling Operations Poster covers essential information and advice relating to regulations and best working practices in the workplace.
Key Features
- The poster states:
Under these regulations, made under the health and safety at work act 1974, from 1st January 1993 additional duties are placed on employers to avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable. Assess unavoidable manual handling operations. Take steps to reduce the risk of injury from such operations so far as is reasonably practicable. - Good manual handling, what you need to know
Manual Lifting and Handling: It does not require a great deal of weight to cause back injuries through lifting and handling. There are eight points to good manual handling there are:
1. Check load - Ensure you know what you are trying to lift and where it is to be carried to. What does it weigh? Is it an awkward shape? Will balance be a factor?
2. Personal Limitations - Know the limit of your own ability due to age, strength, fitness or girth. If in doubt... get help.
3. Proper grip - Make sure you have a good hand hold. Grip with the palms of the hands and the roots of the fingers. Never lift with the finger tips!
4. Stance - Face the direction of travel if lifting alone. Stand over the object. Feet shoulder width apart and one slightly in front of the other. Make sure your knees are bent.
5. Arms Close to Body - Keep the arms close to the body. This ensures that the legs and body take the weight instead of the hands and arms.
6. Chin In - Before lifting, raise the head slightly and tuck the chin in. This helps to keep the back straight.
7. Body Weight - Be aware of your body weight and how to use it to best advantage. Use your body as a counterweight to save muscular effort.
8. Co-ordinate Effort - Where two or more people are involved in the lift make sure the handling is coordinated correctly. - Suitable for both internal and external safety signs
- Easily drilled for wall fixing
Size Options
400mm x 600mm
Rigid Plastic: Lightweight, gloss white PVC with high impact strength
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